Friday, August 12, 2011

What is eating my green beans?

The leaves have turned to lace. I don't have any veggies yet, just the blossoms. Any ideas what it could be and how to get rid of it?

What is the first 2 years that "Neurological Functioning" underlies much of infant development?

The first two years is when the majority of brain development takes place. Brain cells grow, neurons make connections, a lot of development takes place. After the age of 2 the skull bones fuse together and the brain stops growing in size.

Do I have neurological problem?

I have had constant headaches every day for the past 2 years or maybe even longer. I saw a doctor about this and concluded that they are stress headaches. I do think stress has a role in my severe headaches but was wondering what else could be wrong. My vision has gone from 20/20 to 20/40 to 20/50 and i am constantly nauseous and usually cant remember anything that has happened within the past couple of days. Recently I have had trouble sleeping, have had trouble breathing for nearly 8 years...had an inhaler but it never worked...sometimes have difficulties swallowing. I also don't eat very much. Something very light in the morning, at lunch and occasionally a good dinner ex. spaghetti. Do I have some kind of neurological disease or is it just a migraine?

Small skin/muscle movement beneath right eye?

It's unlikely to be a neurological problem. It could be a small muscular spasm that's usually associated with eye strain or sleep deprivation. This might be an indicator that you're either not getting enough sleep or you're spending too much time in front of a screen without taking the recommended regular breaks? If you think this might be a possible explanation, I'd recommend changing your habits for a few days and seeing if it clears up. If it does, you've probably solved it. Hope this helps!

Any gay or bi guys I can email?

I'm 14 I wud like to meet someone and I live in nevad around silver springs but anywhere is fine.. Juat be nice for someone to be in like dayton or something

Does anyone have a mew or celebi they are willing to trade?

This is the 4th time ive asked this so please dont reply saying that its a cruddy deal, that oh i dont have that but i have this, and dont say that the only way to get them is through cheating because i know for a fact it is possible through certain events.I am using soul silver. I am willing to trade my level 100 salamence, and my level 74 mewtwo. My friend coe is 2322 7643 3101. When you reply WITH YOUR FRIEND CODE, go to the poke center and wait for me to show up. if im not there within 15 minutes then try again later

Can a CT scan detect Multiple Sclerosis?

My brother is in hospital and he has had a CT scan and said there is minor problems seen and have got him to have a MRI scan which we are still awaiting the results for. They have said that the results of the CT scan didnt show anything major to worry about, but decided to have a MRI scan just to be cautious. But all of his symptoms are pointing towards Multiple Sclerosis; even though the hospital havent picked up on it as they are inadequate as he isnt even on the neurological ward as there are no beds, so the doctors on the ward have no idea about neurological disease and I have only checked on the internet for the symptoms and it matches (no mention about Multiple Sclerosis from the staff there as they are idiots as we have not met a single neurologist despite acemic changes being seen on the CT scan and large white matter). So would the CT scan have shown signs of Multiple Sclerosis?

Epilepsy or POTS? (20 characters)?

it could be either of it or an un diagnosed one. a thorough neuro psychiatry evaluation is suggested.

List Dog Names... Please..?

I'm adopting two Siberian Huskies. ♥ Both dogs are males. We have already planned to name one of them, Dewey ♥ (Has a grayish orange and brown coat with blue eyes.) The other (has a silver gray coat and brown eyes). I was thinking of either Archie, Acher, Athur, Dallas, River or Jack.. etc. I don't want names like: Sniffles, Snickers, Doodle..etc. I want kinda of real ppl names but names someone wouldn't use on their child.... u kno? Thanks :))

Is anyone always playing soul silver and wants to exchange friend codes.?

when you giv me your FC i am going to go straight to the poke center and try and contact u. my FC is 2322 7643 2101

My lower abdomen hurts on the right side, bulges a little, and my butt-hole itches; what is going on?

I've gone through series of seeing doctors, and they started with it being an inguinal hernia; but, then I got an ultrasound and there wasn't a hernia. I think I may have worms. I've had this problem for almost a couple of years. I need to fix whatever is really going on. I had anal intercourse and oral sex with some people around the time these symptoms popped up... I also get hungry rather quickly; an oral surgeon told me I may have some neurological problems... my nails have ridges... I always feel weak and/or tired... my lymph nodes in that area are swollen... **** my life...

Cool or scary pokemon hacked roms?

i've played a lot of pokemon roms and own a lot of games but can't really find any scary ones. i tried the new hack for pokemon creepy black and it wasn't really what i wanted and i played lost silver but since i knew what it was going to do it didn't scare me. does anyone know of any creepy or just cool pokemon roms i can play, and have links to where i can download them?

Does anybody know of a florist that has poppies and cherry blossoms in the nashvil?

I work for a "Top 50" florist in the nation, and our favorite shop in Nashville is Rebel Hill Florist. You can find their contact info, website address, phone number, etc. at, or more specifically, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a They should be able to help you and give you more specific information (let them know April from Beneva Flowers referred you, and they'll be sure to take good care of you!)

Could this be real??? vision problems?

So my sister is kind known for being full of crap. She started having some pain in her eyes a week ago. She went to the er and now she has been blindfolded for weeks. At first they said she had scratched corneas then it turned into iritus and now they say they see no signs of any of that and that it must be neurological. They cant find a reason. I dont think she wants to liven with her roomates and i am kinda apt to thinking she is doing this so my mom will let her move back in. If something is wrong with her I am gonna feel like a total *** but she lies so much I just dont know and no doctors can find anything wrong with her. Ughhh my gut says she is full of crap. My heart wants to beleive her.

Is this a good setup for my new skateboard ?

all the things you have look fine to me. bones bushings are good but when i had them i had trouble keeping them tight. for some reason it would lossen uop so mush i couldnt turn because of wheel bite. i would recemend choosing different griptape too. mob tears up shoes really quick unless you dont skate to hard then its fine.

Bath and Body works Lover out there?

in my opinion i'd say the cucumber essence and butterfly flower. i've had both white citrus and twilight woods and while they smell lovely, i got tired of them quickly. butterfly flower smells like an actual flower; orange sapphire is also a nice pick if you want something a little more daring. :)

How do you soft reset in pokemon soul silver?

I am trying to get a shiny HO-OH in pokemon soul silver but im saving and soft resetting and it isn't shiny. Help?

I want you're opinion for what color i should dye my hair?

so I am gonna dye my hair i am a boy who looks like a girl with hair that goes to my shoulders The option are silver another is blue and pink highlights or black hurry and my name don't comment stupidly about it tell me based on how you think it would look i am 14 don't say its you're opinion hurry thanks

Will you read my poem, s' il vous plait?

Gio, as a friend, I would like to point out some of your poems seem to lack a sense of emotion. There is very little here for me to hang my hat on...It's brilliant, I'm sure, but I can't seem to connect with this one...

Please read and rate my love poem?

9 because besides the fact that it is sweet I could picture every word that you were writing which is awesome I think if it was a little bit longer it would be even better. Great job!

Any physical therapists out there?

What I can comment on is that specialization like "neuro" PT occurs over time; It isn't something that you jump right into. It happens as you accumulate patient experience and take continuing education courses.

Is this computer good for what i want?

Looks good to me! Any laptop will do as long as you're not a hard core gamer, and a very picky person.

Incredibly awkward sexual dilemma...?

Ordinarily I'd say that was a really sexy, hot story, but seeing as it involves an on old lady kicking your pretty sister's *** it's not gonna be sexy to you! I'm sorry for you, the only thing I'd suggest is they have a re-match, possibly with both girls again wearing really sexy shiny tights and let them fight until one of them gives in. I fancy your sister to take the older girl this time.

If you had to make 10 names out of these names, what would you choose?

Umm anyone who has any combination of these names will probably get shot at a public school lol. Just saying. If I walked into a public school and said "My name is Enzo Jaid (last name)" then every skinhead in the back of the class would be pulling their switch blades.

What's just coming into style?

Okay, I like to stay ahead of the crowd when it comes to style. I know that Uggs, Toms, and Coach shoes are really in right now, but I see them almost everywhere where I live. I want to wear a brand of shoe that's just coming in to style, so i can be the first one to really bring it to my town. So anything that's coming from celebs or off the run way that isn't off the chart expensive, and is just blossoming in the fashion world, and is wearable day to day would be great. Or if you live in a big city (i a small town girl) and see a brand a bit often that would be good too.

What are some early signs of turrets syndrome?

Ok so my son has this thing he does with his eyes where he blinks repeatedly and sometimes really hard. I know everybody blinks but this is way more frequent and different and and he doesn't stop for awhile once he starts. I thought it maybe his vision but he seems to see fine and he does this habit in any light or situation. I don't make a big deal of it. I don't want anyone to tease him.I didn't really think anyone noticed but me until someone pointed it out and asked me why he does that. Also if turrets is neurological then would they be able to tell for sure with a brain scan or something? I really haven't noticed anything else but the babysitter says he jerks his head but i think i would have noticed. Are there any other signs i should look for or am i worrying for nothing? He is 2 1/2.

Which girl should I choose?

well....this is a huge mess....that woman pat is too old...find some one young and exciting like you

A tribute to Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends"- cc?

Ah, the teacher, will release you from your own penitentiary and he will point you to where beauty hides and sleeps.

Playstation 2 games download?

ok i wanna play a lot of ps2 games but sadly all of them are not available in my place, so i thought i could download it from net write it on a cd..but was advised not to from my ps2 dealer.he said the blank cds should be the silvered ones not the other colorful ones.and its not possible to find the silvered ones so easily.he said i should instead download games to a usb and then play my question is how?will ps2 not ask for a cd?how do i play them through a usb?what is the procedure?please help

I'm in love with a married woman and need advice ... Any Help?

Let me explain the situation and how we met. We met at work and I repaired an item she brought in at the retail store. I gave her my card and told her to call me if she had any questions. She didn't call but came by the store to just browse. This led to a conversation and ultimately to us meeting a couple times a week. We didn't kiss until about a week after we had met and talked about her life and mine and what we all wanted in life. She is currently married and has one adopted child who is 10, but is very unhappy in her marriage. Her husband cheated on her and she hasn't been the same. That's why she opened up to me because i listened and respected her and what she wanted. Things started slow with meeting and just kissing and progressed to watching movies and going to dinner when he was out of town. I've now developed a relationship with the child and he really enjoys me being around. You're probably questioning does the hubby know I'm around when he's gone... The answer is yes but that he only thinks I'm there for the child and his football team. I help coach her son's team. Needless to say we progressed to have this connection between us and she has fallen for me and vice versa. She tells me that I have her heart and soul and she's so happy with me and wants to leave her husband. Only problem is the finances are not good on her end right now due to 2 mortgages and loans. She knows I'm here for her and I love her deeply.... She is just abiding her time until the finances are strait to where she can survive with her and the child. She's even mentioned wanting to eventually marry me because she has never felt this way in her entire life. We become sexually involved after 6 months of romancing and we both felt guilty at first. As time has passed we are now calling each other and are seeing each other when he is out of town and having a wonderful time. I feel as though I'm already married to her and She feels the same. We are so happy when we are together with the child and when we have are alone time, and we are sad when we can't be together. We both know that morally this isn't right but we are going on a year and a half of this romance that has blossomed into a true love that we can't stop. I know that once the finances turn and all we will be together and she will leave... we are both doing our parts to make it happen sooner. Bottom line is, the hubby and her don't sleep together, and realize that they love each other as friends, but aren't in love with each other. She is afraid to mention the affair due to the chance of losing the adopted child. This is the most confusing situation I've ever been a part of and need advice, true sincere advice. I love this woman more than anything in this world, and the child has become part of my life as well. What kind of advice is out there ? Anything? Thanks

Is there a way to keep cats out of my back yard?

you may want to put mothballs around the fence line. dogs and cats don't like the smell. Your dog wont go by the fence but its better than what you are dealing with now. You can also get Keep off! at pet stores, but moth balls are cheaper. Good luck!

How to differentiate between illnesses?

do you realize that every illness you have been told you 'might' have has completely different diagnostic criteria?

Foster Kitten Died from Anesthesia?

That is pretty messed up. Sometimes animals just have bad reactions to anesthesia, it's nobody's fault because no one can predict it. I'm not sure why the lady in charge blames you guys because things happen and she should know that. She should be willing to let you guys adopt the white kitty, usually fosters have first dibs on adopting their foster pet. She is cheating a kitten out of a home because she's upset about what happened with the black kitten and that's not right and is unprofessional. Tell her that what happened was not your fault and you want to know why you can't adopt the white kitten. If she doesn't give you a good answer, I would report her to someone above her at the shelter and if that doesn't work, then I would suggest fostering cats at another shelter, where people are more professional at their job.

How old is your house?

How old is your house. My neighborhood is less than 5 years old. my house is 4 years old. my parents planted baby trees all around our house. there soo cute, only 2 feet! i cant wait intill the cheery blossom tree grows up

Vaccinating a pregnant ***** - What to watch for in mom/puppies?

I run a rescue organization, we just pulled a pregnant mom from a high kill shelter that was going to be euthanized so the shelter didn't have to deal with the puppies. She looks like she's due any day now - She was vaccinated with DHLPPV - C vaccine + Bordetella by the shelter when she was admitted despite the fact that she was pregnant. She was vaccinated about a week ago, so I'm guessing she was about 6 - 7 weeks along (obviously since she came from the shelter, until she delivers I really have no way of knowing exactly when she was bred or when she's due). I know the distemper vaccine can cause neurological problems and vaccines can cause abortions - Obviously she didn't abort, so what other problems do I need to watch out for with her, and in her puppies as they develop? She's a 10 lb Chiweenie (and that's pregnant - So probably 8-9 lbs without the puppies!)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Co-op or regular preschool for my child?

ARe those to schools your only options, they both sound great, Im a little concerned about the "quieter environment" You say ur daughter has a lot of energy, but she is sensitive. As a preschool teacher , I would suggest a school that combines the stimulating exciting environment with the need to meet your daughter sensitivity needs. I have never heard of a co-op so Im not sure exactly how they operate, but I will suggest that working at the school may not be so bad after all, since we constantly encourage parents to volunteer. Also ask if there are things that you could do at home, better yet working with the school while your daughter is there can also offer you suggestions on what activities you can do with her at home. Believe me, once she starts your gonna want to be there, in dcase there are some separation issues. Yes mommies have them too, lol?

Whats the age someone can get a food handlers license in Texas?

me and my friend wanted to open our own online bakery! people tell us all the time that we need to sell our products, and why not now? it seems unrealistic that a 15 year old girl (16 in 2 months) and a 15 year old boy can open up a shop and blossom, but why not? does anyone have any advice for us? and do you know the age we can get a food handlers license in Texas?

I am military and have been dealing with pain from two bulging discs in my lower back since Easter.?

First it started with a numb leg with sharp shooting pains and tingling and pain, then my foot started hurting when input pressure on it, the military sent me to a neurologist that said I have meragia prosthetica which is associated with obesity (I'm 110 lbs) pregnancy and diabetes which I don't have and sent mr for an MRI. MRI showed slight bulge in l4 l5 and l5 s1 which wasn't significant enough to do anything about. Since then it's gotten so much worse my back is killing me feels like a truck has ran over me. They next sent me to pain mngmnt which said he couldn't diagnose me and that I needed a full neurological work up so I went back to base and they out in a referral to a teaching hospital which needed two weeks to decide I'f they would even take me so then I went back to dr on base and found out they denied me, so now my dr on base says he don't know what to do that I need to find a neurologist and he'd out the federal in for me. I'm at my wits end and in extreme amount of pain they won't give me any meds since I had disc fusion in dec and have been on lortab since which don't work at all and I feel like the military isn't helping me. I can barely walk can't work lost my job over this can hardly make my bills and don't know what to do! Please help! What can I do next, I'm a military dependent and I don't know where else to go went to er twice and they won't do anything either just sent me away. I just need out of pain. I can't sleep I'm starting to get ( sorry graphic) constipated now and I'm totally lost I think it's gotten worse but they won't do another MRI. Please any advise would help thanks

At this minute what is the value of 1oz of fine (0.999) silver?

Also, the value of fine gold per oz and could you please tell me if you think silver/ gold is a good investment at the moment?

Are my baby fish goldfish or koi?

Definitely Koi, there are a little young but still can breed at that age. In my experience with gold fish there never did breed and with Koi I had one but never knew till the gold fish died and it got big and put it in a pond. If there fat silver like minnows then there Koi but if there are birds that land in the pond or its near a lake it might be another species from that carried in by the birds, wait a few month or weeks to see what they grow to be.

Which do you think is better? Working as a Molecular Microbiologist or working as a Neurological Surgeon?

I'm almost in 7th grade and i'm starting to think about what I'm going to do for a living. Please help me in my situation to pick one or the other. I would greatly appreciate it.

Why do some people compare Dyslexia with Schizophrenia?

haha i wish would suck to be schitzophrenic in New Zealand seems like those poor old sausages are at the but of half the jokes that go round pretty sure the difference is pretty well known round this side of the world mate you'll be glad to hear

Should I hire a Reiki healer to help me with these problems?

I think you should try whatever is safe to try to regain your health. I would start with applied nutrition, the best book for that are Adelle Davis books Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit and Let's Get Well, fully documented easy reference guides that are easy to understand and hard to set down she is a fascinating writer and talent, you have to buy these books used. I would eat only healthy foods that man has not processed or packaged, and only expeller/cold pressed oils, butter no margerine, no hydrogenated oils, and probably take a digestive enzyme as your body is probably not digesting the food well enough to get the nutrients out. For abuse as a child I would suggest the book A New Earth by Edkhart Tolle. For every problem a solution, if you are willing to take the time and do the research. Eat only God Food, God in His wisdom knew what He/She was doing, man does not. I have heard good testimonials about Reiki, I also do something called polarity treatments, energy balancing that has helped people. Your glands run your metabolism, for them to work right you need high quality food and trace minerals, filtered water would help esp if you can get the floride out, fresh air, sunshine, exercise, juicing is good, wen oil is hydrogenated the essential fatty acids are destroyed which are essential because your body cannot make them, and you will be unhealthy without them, and can only build fat. expeller/pressed oils actually help you lose weight. Strange, but true.

Allergic to Head and Shoulders shampoo?

Ok at first I was using a combination of Head and Shoulders(extra volume, dandruff shampoo) with Pantene 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner. Recently I started noticing little bumps in my head that itched so I figured it was the Pantene and I stopped using that and just used the Head & Shoulders. But even after a couple of weeks the little bumps are still on my scalp. So I'm assuming it's the Head & Shoulders shampoo. But I have used Pantene before and it didn't give me the bumps, but as soon as I started using Head & Shoulders the itchy bumps on my scalp appeared, plus my slight dandruff is still there. With conditioner I use V05 Apple Blossom, mainly because it smells good lol. So I was wondering if I was allergic to the Head & Shoulders shampoo??? And can someone give me some tips as to what I should do to get rid of the bumps and what shampoo & conditioner to use, my hair is long and thick and doesn't have any dye in it. Thanks (:

Is this a good laptop?

It is a basic cheap laptop suitable for Word processing, emailing and surfing the web. It is no a game machine by any means.

I really want to read this at a poetry slam at school, any good?

It's good! I liked the metaphors...and I could feel what you were feeling. You should read this at your poetry slam! Everyone will love it, and know how good of a poet you are! :)

How is this excerpt? Opinions?

Really good :) I felt like I was reading the real thing haha like a real book and there were no awkward some times u read people's work and it just was written weird and amature.. this was good. I got a sense of olden day sailors for example I picture the main character looking like will turner or the new will in the last pirates movie..not sure if that's what u intended..but if I read the book from the start I would know what u meant.

Is my turtle truly happy?

I have a 3 legged painted turtle named Blossom. I found her as a wild turtle and I kept her because she was unhealthy and she only had 3 legs. She is now healthy and calm around people. Her tank isn't the biggest but she has an outdoor habitat that she stays in on nice, warm days. How can I tell if she is happy?

All Equine owners need to know about this - Rhino Virus!?

CSU IS taking rhino horses but they're keeping them at a separate quarantine barn that's not connected to the main barn, and are not keeping any horses on site for any reason other than the rhino horses. They aren't full yet. All non-emergency appointments have been cancelled and no horses can come on the property if it's not an emergency. All the barns in the area (and probably all of CO) are in total lockdown. No vets, farriers, or horses allowed in or out. I live in Fort Collins (where CSU is) so it's pretty tense around here right now. I vaccinated my gelding today and all the vet supply places are running low on the vaccines. It's definitely not fun up here right now.

How to get out of the friend zone ?

its a girl that i have been best friends with for 6 years now and she just turned 15 just like me and she suddenly blossomed into that beautiful girl and i cant help but fall for her , and all my approaches are just beeing taken by her as friendly compliments she just won accept the idea that we can be more than friends what do i do ?

Is the land lord responsible to pay for us to live somewhere else while the black mold gets out of my apt?

No of course not, though you may be able to claim back some of your rent, as long as you didn't do anything to contribute to the house going moldy.

Strange toe (neurological) ?

I have been diagnosed with a Neurological condition, but I was just wondering about my toe. Its on my left foot the one next to the big toe. Its numb at the end, but when it is touched I get strange sensations all up my leg....its horrible. Why does it do this? Thanks

Trustee Liquidated Assets?

The difficulty is that the terms of the trust and which under the trustee is operating varies, and the question is subject to specific terms of the trust. In most cases the trustee is assigned to look out for your best interests. Usually an outside party cannot force the trustee to pay anything without a court order. If you feel the trustee is taking action that is is unjust or is not in your interests you should consult an attorney for assistance.

Neurological Problem with 12-year-old brother! HELPPPP!? pleaseee!?

Ok, so ever since I can remember, my brother has been doing this weird thing. He will be talking to me one minute, then he'll stop talking and his face is like a blank gaze, his head starts tilting back, and his eyes get a little squinted. It only lasts for a few seconds then when its over, he forgets what he was saying at first..Sometimes he even gets a little wobbly and almost falls over! It's really worrying and i have NO IDEA what it could be! I would TRULY appreciate it if anybody could tell me what it could be!!!!!!!!!! thank you, (:

Our cat Henry awoke from a nap and when he started to walk he was very wobbly?

within a few seconds he started to slowly move in a circle to the left almost like he was chasing his tail in slow motion.He was very wobbly doing this and and his head was moving as though he was looking at something.I knew he was out of it as he didn't respond to us at all.This lasted for at least 10 to 12 minutes and as I frantically called the vet my husband picked him up and held him so he wouldn't hurt himself.He was also purring extremely loudly thru the whole episode.The vet asked me a few questions and I described to her everything Henry was doing.Its Sunday and the office was closed but the answering service got a hold of her and she called me within minutes.She said that it would take 20 minutes for her to get to the office and that Henry's episode would be over by then.She had me check his ears to see if they were red inside or black(indicating ear mights)They both looked fine so she said that was good.She said that it could be caused by a virus which they don't know much about and has no known antidote.You just ride it out.Or various neurological disorders.Keep an eye on him and don't be surprised if he has another today as that is normal.She didn't even want to see him tomorrow if he appeared fine,which he does.I just found the whole thing very frightening and felt helpless I couldn't help him.He never frothed at the mouth or had any sort of violent fit.Just what I described.I will definitely take him in the morning whether she feels its necessary or not,but has anyone ever had this with their cat or does anyone know why this happened.It took about 30 minutes for him to be back to normal,and now 5 hrs later you would never know anything happened.Sorry for being long-winded I just wanted to explain things fully.

Adult anxiety nervousness and life stress do i need?

wow i wish you lived here. yes what ever it is you feel is because the abuse your fam put you through and see a psychologist not because your crazy. it sounds like your not, do not think crazy people talk to psychologists because they are crazy psych.s are there for people who need to talk to other people. the psychological just analyze's you and tries to read you and your personality. do not think your crazy to see one though. i see a psychologists because i haven't found people who think like i do other than psychologists and Scientologsts but scientologyst's are ignorant fools so i dont even bother with them. but yeah shoot me an email.

Can using a computer cause auras?

I have migraine auras, which are not always accompanied by the actual headache itself. I used to get them when I was working in a highly stressful job, and then stopped having them once leaving that job. However, I now work on the computer, and have noticed that I start to get auras when I spend a lot of time looking at the screen. I don't really have a choice but to look at the screen due to my job situation. What can I do? The auras get so bad that I can barely see, which tends to be quite inconvenient. I'm relatively certain that these are auras and not vision problems, as the same "squiggles" appear in my field of vision on both sides, so I believe it to be a neurological phenomenon.

Plead help me choose a colour scheme!?

I think black and green, because people are going to wear silver jewellery anyway but black and silver costumes are harder to find than black and green.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What to do about overprotective parents? How to disobey?

ok i am sorry your mother is sick, but you are an adult and can not take care of your parents your whole life you need to move out get a job live with friends because if you stay with them they will control your life forever don't let them guilt trip you in to doing things there way if you are not happy go get happy leave you will feel so much better leave them a letter explaining to them how you feel maybe they will understand

Is botany a good course to take to enable you to genetically engineer plants?

Considering that botany is plant biology obviously, so knowing about how the plant works would help in genetically engineering it. Or am I off by a mile? F.Y.I. If you assume I'd G.E. food, no, I'd actually want to G.E. flowers, in order to...enhance fragrance or color, or to make it blossom longer etc..though I suppose that would take quite some time of study to understand those processes..anyway, so...yea.

What should I name my characters? Please help!?

I, for one, am desperate to read the rest of the story! Really! Is it going to be a short story or a novel? Can I read it when it's finished? I have to know what happens to Ben & Eden. Luke and Mason are both great names for the guy. You've got a real flair. Very believable. Is this autobiographical? ~ ~ ~

Tattoo question, please help!!?

okay, im a bigger girl and i want to get a cherry blossom tree going up my rib cage. do you think that it would look bad since im bigger?

What anime has a short green haired first year in high school where he dates a blue haired girl?

this anime has something like magic in it and the blue haired girl is like a master of it (i think she might of made it or profected maybe) and on his first day of transfering to this school he sees this blue haired girl surrounded by cherry blossoms. He approaches her and takes a cherry blossom from her hair and she asks him out. btw there is also a older guy who is trying to get the blue haired girl to be his because he is "surperior" than the green haired boy (and the girl is rich)

Would this outfit be cute for a 4th of july party?

You would probably look really good in that outfit! Adding a flower a head band would make it better but I can't decide which you should use.

Dog who stumbles and has wobbly legs?

Your dog is getting older and it could be that she has arthritis in her back or may have been injured in her back at some point in time that could be adding to the problem with her back .

Constant wrist pain. Please read?

I would recommended visiting a physician (Orthopedic specialist). If you are in the Los Angeles area I would suggest checking these doctors out; or calling (310) 855-0752. Otherwise, find a doctor local to you. While you are making the appointment ask them to ask the physician for any temporary ways to relieve the pain. Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

What should I call my book?

Find a phrase or something in the book that you like. Look at different author's title choices (research, basically). Good titles, I think, are in Jodie Picoults books (and a lot of other ones, of course). She uses titles that make you interested.

Could I have a brain tumour or another neurological problem?

I went to the eye dr for various odd things going on with my vision over a 2 year period. Nothing was picked up on... It wasn't blurry vision though. I didn't have dizzy spells. Bright lights didn't bother me. Sounds more like you may have an inner ear problem with the dizziness. Seems like you would've been diagnosed by now if you've had this for several years...

HP or Toshiba Laptop?

My grandmother has a Toshiba and in the second year she has had it, it has been really slow and received tons of viruses, and she only used e-mail and some games. My mother has an HP and when I use it sometimes it works great. She has had it for 3 years now and it is wicked fast and I never seen it get any viruses. I recommend the HP. If you are afraid that it will overheat, purchase one of the fans that go underneath. They make a huge difference, I have one myself.

Regrets about high school? advice?

My high school career is over in a month. I made no new friends.. had no fun times. Nothing really. I was just a loner for the most part. I'm just sad because i've struggled with social anxiety all through and just havent made the most of it. I'm more depressed because it also concludes my childhood. I'm 18 now and I really miss being a kid. My passion for playing outside at recess will never fade and I still ask my mom for that new video game. I will never have a successful future because of my neurological disorder. Its just been a very hard phase im going through and its really difficult to accept. I just want to be young and do the kid things that I enjoy doing forever.

Question i have astigmatism in my eyes?

well i have vision 20/60 anyways i got new glasses friday and im still seeing double just as if i was not wearing the glasses anyways ive done a complete exam my doctor says that my eyes need 1 week to adjust to them anyways when i open my eyes wide even with my glasses i see the words even more double especially when looking at a black background with white words anyways ive been getting muscle twitches on my thighs for months and i wanted to know could this be a neurological disorder such as (ALS-MS-PARKISON'S) im a healthy 18 year old male?

Does anyone have a mew, celebi, or arceus they want to trade?

Im using soul silver, my friend code is 2322 7643 3101. When you reply with your friend code i will be at the poke center. If im not there within 10 minutes then you can leave, but please have the curtousy to wait on me for 10 minutes.

Are there any illnesses that are very similar to huntingtons but not genetic (or skip a generation)?

progressive neurological disease that affects adults (in 30's or 40's) where the patient approximately 10-20 years after onset of symptoms?

Does anyone know where i can buy a full finger ring in dublin?

Like this one or this one

What could this dream mean ?? ( not too much text)?

I agree theres a wall of text but it doesnt take long to read, had this up twice but all i am getting is ignorant one line responses ...... Lately i seem to be dreaming about this woman , well....not dreaming about her, but she`s there in every dream every night,..........this started about 3 weeks ago and just wont stop, ive been dreaming about all kinds of weird things but this woman is always with me in the dreams, i`d say she`s about 5ft 8", long blonde hair, but its not a blonde blonde, its like a transparent blonde , its weird, her eyes are like a ice blue colour , and her face is Absolutely beautiful. She`s always taking me places and showing me things ive never seen before, like one night , she was pointing at this big silver square , and when i touched it it started changing colours and moving, she even said the name of it , but the words are hard to remember from these dreams, but we always have fun and mess about and i feel close to her in a brother / sister kind of way, like i remember looking her in the eye last night and feeling like i have known her all of my life......... the weird thing is , im 23 , and i only have 1 brother , no sisters. Anyway... last nights dream was the weirdest, it started as it does every single night - > I am sitting in this horrible room with food and stuff all over the floor, she comes in the room, doesn't say a word, just keeps staring at me with her hand out, so i take her hand and we walk through the door, now this door has been four different rooms, it was a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom , and last night it was a bathroom, i could see it was a bathroom but before i knew it , we were standing at an airport... and i could hear someone talking about fish or something, but when we walked inside this old man put his hand on my shoulder and the woman turned to me with this weird face, she looked evil when he touched my shoulder, the old man said something like " this one is a ???????? listen to her , she`ll take you home" i cant remember the word he used but it sounded odd, she pulled me from him and we carried on through this airport, snow on the ground inside, but sunny outside ?? oO ?? then she turned to me and said "jump".... i can remember thinking , well....jump where? theres nothing here.....then she put her face up into mine and screamed "JUMP !!" still with this evil look on her face. i could feel her breath like ice on my face, and it felt like someone pushed me over, i can remember picking myself up off the ground and i was back outside of the airport, but this old man was there too , he was laughing really really loud, lots of people were just walking into this airport but no one was walking out , then i saw her walking out of the airport and she was talking gibberish at me, which involved alot of weird noises, like some accent or language i have never heard before, and her face creeped me out, then she put her hand out again and smiled with an evil face, the old man screamed " LISTEN !! " , my ears started ringing, her face was normal again, then she smiled at me again and hugged me and said " not yet, its far too early"...............i have been shaking all day and cant stop, im really really hungry, baring in mind its sunday and in the uk we love sunday dinner which is just a plate full of everything, ive had breakfast, lunch and dinner, but im still starving as though i haven't eaten in days, i was very white too when i woke up this morning. These dreams have always been pleasant but strange until last night, like we will sit and talk for hours, i will remember talking for hours, and remember how much i enjoy talking with this woman, but i cant remember a word once i wake up.....and times she has took me to places and showed me what seems to be some sort of technology, these silver squares, its very strange.....but this one was weird because i could feel the emotions, it felt real, it didn't seem like a dream...when she said jump , i didn't want to because part of me was wondering if i would see her again, what could this mean ?? every time i see this woman her face is.... angelic, but she didn't look right last night once we entered the airport as though either i have annoyed her by not listening , or the old man who was there had annoyed her by interrupting, it seemed like she had thrown both of us out of this airport though.

How much would this cost to have done in the uk?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Atheists: is a newborn baptized baby an atheist or a born again Christian yet to blossom?

Considering that fact that it will most likely take on the religion of its parents, as you did, then the chances are that it will not be Christian (2/3 of the people on the planet are not). Random chance at birth will determine its religion, and which god or gods it believes in. In some cases, this religious indoctrination fails, and the child makes up its own mind.

Nurse said it sounds neurological?

This sounds like some of the classic signs of hypothyroidism. Have your thyroid checked! And google hypothyroidism, and even hyperthyroidism, as they both have some of the same symptoms. And you need them to check your T3 and T4 thyroid antibodies, not just TSH. That is what most doctors check, and TSH is NOT reliable! I could be wrong, of course, but that's what jumped to mind first. Best of luck!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why doesn't everybody know that Kale (Organic) and Fish Oil (Salmon Oil) is good for rabbits?

Kale is high in calcium = bladder sludge and kidney problems. My rabbits are not exposed to cigarette smoke.

Should I use a thin or thick belt?

I say go with a thin black belt! or if you are really out going a hot pink belt! The black cardi would be SUPER DUPER cute with it :) especially if you put a hot pink belt with it haha!

Friend codes for pokemon soul silver?

I am waiting outside the pokemon center if you want to trade using wifi. My friend code is 2322 7643 3101. please dont answer by saying what pokemon do you have because i dont know how to reply to messages. wHEN you reply with your FC go into the wifi club and wait about 10 minutes. If i dont show up then i probably wont be there but try agian later

When to call long john silvers?

I put in an application at a fast food resturant on friday. And I know that a holiday is coming up tommorrow, so when should I call to check on an application. I have a friend that got called the day after she turned in her application, which was last week. And the manager told her that they need lots of people, since everyone is quitting. What day should I call and what to say?

Why does my bird do this everytime i go inside my room to say hi to her? or just to go in my room at all?

ive never hit my bird or anything like that, i spend alot of time with her, but everytime im walkin down the hallway to my room im like hi my baby girl Blossom, so she isnt scared, but once i walk in the room, she lifts her wings, like to stretch up, then puts them down, or she fluffs up her feathers and shakes like she is shaking off dust, then ill pick her up and she's cool with hanging out with me, but once i leave the room, she chirps until i come back, then she does the stretchy thing again or something. and she only does this with me, not anybody else, and idk if its a defense thing or a 'hello' type of thing?

Opinions on this excerpt?

I actually liked this a lot. You did a pretty good job. There were a few spots with awkward phrasing but it can easily be fixed during a revision. The only other thing that bothered me was a grave in the.sand. i would think it would be difficult to dig a grave in the sand and the second part of that is the foliage you describe. There would have to be good soil for trees and flowers to.grow. they simply don't.grow sand.

Can I record and game with Fraps on this PC?

Well, Fraps on its own takes a bit of memory, it won't be as good has normal, but i guarentee an unnoticable difference, you should be able to play without any dificulty, if not your computer might need to free up some juice so in that case close unecessary programs

Embarrassing and prolonging girl problems. Advise?

tell her how you feel or commit yourself to moving on. that means cutting all contact with her completely so you can allow yourself to TRULY move on. the fact that you still want to think about her means that you aren't quite letting yourself let go. If you don't let go you will miss out on a lot. You sound like a really sweet guy and you will find someone that you think is just as cool or maybe even cooler, because she loves you back, but you won't be able to if you won't let this dream go, because that's all it really is, a dream.

What Herb or Plant is This?

It has small, yellow, 5-petaled flowers, and 5 pointed leaves (similar to marijuana, I've heard?) It grows in the shade, by the base of a silver maple tree, and is about 7 inches tall. It's blossoming in June in Northeast Pennsylvania... thanks!

Xbox live messaging Question?

It just can see friends and stuff and private chat them but you need gold to talk to them in a party. It's a free gold weekend by the way.

Im writing a poem for college. I need an excellence. Just wondering does this sound any good?

Honestly this isn't bad. It almost reminds me of Rimbaud in it's emotional content and despair. I think it needs some work, however. Your metaphors are slightly cliche, which takes some of the power out of the poem. I teach Poetry at UNH and I would love to help you out. If you are interested, check out my page and see if I can help you make the poem phenomenal. Good luck. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Problems with lefty vs righty?

I am a 25 year old male who does some things lefty (golf, baseball, snowboarding, wearing my watch on the right hand...) and other things righty (writing, basketball, kicking). My question is are there any neurological problems that could have developed in me if my parents had forced me to use my right over my left.

What sells more(Retail or Online)in Jewelry Businesses? Gold or Silver?

i would definitely say matches more styles and is typically more difficult to match with every outfit and is liked by a smaller group of people. Sometimes the people who prefer gold will go for white gold to get the silver effect.

How do i figure out the make and model of my Sony Walkman?

Its black and silver and says sony below the screen. A hold button on top left side. Volume Button top right.

Bugs, insects, and me (HELP!!)?

I just visited our new home, and it looked like the owner died for a few months and left the backyard untouched for nature to take over. It has a big cherry blossom tree, and some other crappy trees. It is FULL of bugs, spiders, GIANT flying insects, dragon flies, and some next level undiscovered species of bugs. I absolutely hate bugs, and I'm willing to do ANYTHING to destroy them. I need some tips and procedures on what to do to get rid of these pests, I'm making this personal. Help will be appreciated to a great extent.

A little confused what should i do.?

Ok so i went to the doctors because of visual disturbances...I told them my worries of a brain tumor..they looked into my eyes and said that it checked out fine and that there wasnt a tumor pressing on the optic nerve so that its not related to a brain tumor. They checked other things to rule out a brain tumor as well(neurological exams). I passed them all. So at the end the doctor said i dont have a brain tumor. But she didnt tell me whats causing the visual disturbances. Should i go back to the doctor or because they ruled out a brain tumor should i just go to an eye doctor?

Anyone know a website where I can ask about cat disabilities?

My cat has a neurological disorder called Cerbellar Hypoplasia that effects his ability to walk. I have lots of questions about the condition that can't be answered through googling and I've tried posting them on here several times only to get 0 answers. I guess the subject is too specialist. I have been to see my vet but I want a second opinion on certain things.. Anyone know any websites where I can ask a vet a question for free, or any support groups for disabled cats, cat forums, that sort of thing? please! don't let me get 0 answers again

Best tattoo placement?? please help?

Oooh I like the cherry blossom. That sounds lovely! Shoulder blade would probably be better than your ribs. Whether you're big or small that area of the body has the potential to change shape easily.

Is tourette's syndrome a mental illness?

Okay. I know that it isn't, but I don't know how to explain to someone that TS is not a mental disorder, but that it is a neurological disorder. This person seems to think that all brain conditions are mental disorders. I don't know how else to explain that TS is not a mental disorder. It is bugging me that he won't understand and keeps thinking that I am wrong. He is also extremely disrespectful and I want him to shut up already.

One eyelid os more closed than the other, why?

I noticed this a few days ago. I haven't been getting much sleep lately so maybe it's from being tired? Is it a neurological problem? Don't say it's from aging, because i'm only 17. Also how do I fix this?

Jealous friend who tried to stop me from marrying. Continue friendship or keep him out my life?

Wow, this is a hard one to answer. You are obviously a very carrying person. He is in love with you and he can't control his feelings. It would not hurt to see him and find out if he can control his feelings now. Sounds like he can express himself. But be careful. You thought you knew him before and were deceived so he could do it again. You have to set the rules and he will have to agree. It is possible you could continue with the old relationship. This is one of those situations where my advice is questionable. I'd give it about a 65%. Good luck caring person.

Is drinking tons of tea bad?

Tea is great for you! it has lots of antioxidants in it. however the sugar isn't. and i have heard that it dehydrates people but i haven't ever had that problem. it still has water in unlike coke, dr. pepper, mountain dew... etc. <---- those have carbonated water in them. nothing in them are good for you at all.

Can you translate this in Japanese for me?

Watashi wa sasayaki o kiku koto ga dekimasu.Hitobito wa, hanashiNamida wa watashi ni shitagatte inai, nagaremasu.Hi wa kokoro no naka de moete imasu.To nozonde susurinaku koe ga himei ni naru.Kotoba de wa naide wa naku,-on.Gōmon no tamashī ni naru koto o osorete kudasai.Watashi-tachi no ai wa, ni natte itanara, sore wa dekimasen nazedesu ka?Tsumi o aishite imasu ka?Anata ga suru koto wa dekimasen watashi ga yobu koe ga kikoeru?Subete no sakebigoe to tangan,Watashi-tachi ga kyōyū shite iru koto o kakunin shimasu.Tsuki no hikari-yō ni kisu.Hi wa, tō shirizoite ikuSubete no hana., Shinpai shinaide, naite wa ikenaiWatashi wa koko ni irukaradesu.Watashi no jinsei nitsuite wa, anatadesu anata no ai wa iji watashidesu.Kesshite, watashi no te o hanasanaiNi kankei naku, nanto karera wa iu.Yama kaji no nochi,-rin ga arimasu.Node, tabun tengoku de, wareware wa kanō-sei ga arimasu...

Anime/Japanese style bedroom?

Hi, Here are some anime wall scroll that you might like a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and here are some japanese wall decals a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Hope this helps.

Native speakers, please help me with the lyrics.?

I think the lyrics of this song a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a could be improved. I couldn't understand this line "Cause the claw whenever near nest". I think that's not what they singer says as it doesn't match the next line "Only blossom 'till the fall". The claw cannot blossom, right? Do you have any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

Question about my astigmatism?

Well the glasses I got them Friday and it's Monday and I'm still seeing the words double just as I would without glasses I went back Saturday and he told ne it will take a while for my eyes to see perfect and adjust to the glasses but than my brother is scareing me saying it could me neurological like ALS and my legs have been twitching for months now anyways I'm a 18 year old male healthy is my doctor right or is my brother right

Is ever wrong to kill a living organism who has the full set of human DNA?

Such an "organism" is called a "human being". The first case - intentionally starving a human being to death - would constitute murder. In the second case, allowing a person being kept biologically alive by a machine, to undergo a natural death, would be morally acceptable.

Why do this girl stare at me?

I was at Wal-Mart buying a couple of brisks and some gum when i noticed this really attractive girl in this nail place across the checkout lane just looking at me. Ive never seen her before ( atleast i think lol ) and she was with some people and she kept looking at me then her friends then me. Im in okay shape and i was wearing nice clothes like this black tee and a white fitted hat and some silver chains around my neck. When i payed for my stuff i started to walk the other way but then my friend told me that she was looking at me and when i turned back she was looking at me, dead center pretty much looking at me so hard i couldve thought she was making a movie or somethin lol. Idk why i posted this but im just wondering if somone could help me because i couldnt tell if she was checking me out or she was just staring really hard for reason? lol plz help!

Which ring would you get?

in my opinion, you could get better rings from like forever 21 or claires. but the last one is nice.

Where does the silver doe come from in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

I'm pretty sure its Snape, but then again I haven't read that book in a couple years, so that could be wrong. I'm 85% sure its Snape.

My puppy is acting weird?

I'm pretty sure my puppy has fully recovered from Parvovirus. His bowels are not runny anymore, and they do not smell like parvo. He gets moments of energy. I say moments because, he will get up and run and play and even beat up on one of the other puppys (playfully), but he still tires fast. And he still will not eat. He walks around the house aimlessly, and he will lay down for a minute then get up, move a couple inches and lay back down, and he does this process over and over again all day. He walks with his head down all the time, very rarely brings it up, which causes him to run into obvious things, such as walls, like if he never knew the wall was there. And he does not wag his tail like he used to. He cries all the time. Could all this be signs of neurological damage from the parvo?

How is this letter (for my mother)?

As a Mom of two teens...I love this letter. Do try to put it on a really nice piece of stationary and hand write it! Or maybe even put it in a picture frame too.

There IS a cure for cancer?

Why are you promoting this? I had stage 3 cancer (huge and had spread to lymph nodes). I did chemo, surgery, radiation, and I no longer have cancer. What's wrong with that? I'm happy.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is ok to have these two symbols together in a tattoo?

It is your tattoo and your choice, i'd say go for it, in a way it would be good because no one else is likely to have the same tattoo as you

Terrified I might have a brain tumor!?

You cannot jump to any kind of brain tumor diagnosis from these symptoms. It is more than likely your inner ear that is causing all of this. You can take an over the counter decongestant which may relieve some of your symptoms. You can also take some tylenol or motrin for the throbbing in your head which would be common sense. Follow the advice I have given, your symptoms may be completely gone by Tuesday but keep your appointment anyway so your doctor can re-evaluate the situation.

Vertigo ? brain problems?

Diagnosed with 3 brain lesions 2 years ago,havent been on meds or had any treatment,been trying supplements etc. Well last 3 days i have had a dizzy type feeling very bad. And i have these strong like neurological type moving feelings in my head that seem to control my whole body and my head. When driving from work on highway thought i was going to black out or something. Blurred and double type vision as well..Some may say vertigo/inner ear,but..i cant help but think it may be my brain lesions,uh im a littttle worried.

.925 Silver Anybody ?

Ok so i need to buy a quick and cheap anniversary gift (1 year) for my gf and im wanin to get her a couples ring that comes engraved and/or birthstones. also i am on A VERY TIGHT BUDGET so please keep the site suggestions on the minimum budget range. i need this gift in about 2 weeks or less so please give me feed back its gladly appreciated.

Epilepsy or POTS? (20 characters)?

it could be either of it or an un diagnosed one. a thorough neuro psychiatry evaluation is suggested.

Physiological cause of cannabis-induced psychosis?

I would stop if what your seeing or hearing is negative. I don't smoke weed like I use to because I always get paranoid and feel like I can hear people saying negative things about me its really intense and sucks.

BAD or GOOD idea for a story? (Fairly short)?

That sounds really good! Although don't make the romance part too overly dramatic. And for the title out of your two I think I like Paused better. Or maybe When Time Stood Still. Anyway it sounds good, keep working on it!

How old is TOO old for honey to be edible?

Just found 3 quarts of orange blossom honey when cleaning out the house of a relative. It has turned mostly to sugar and is very dark in color. I have put one jar in warm water and have it back in liquid form but then found out it was purchased back in the 1970's and am leary of using it.

A love song by David Lawrence?

The poet misses his lover. Sleep is his only escape when he can relive treasured moments with his absent love.

I got glasses for my astigmatism?

Well the glasses I got them Friday and it's Monday and I'm still seeing the words double just as I would without glasses I went back Saturday and he told ne it will take a while for my eyes to see perfect and adjust to the glasses but than my brother is scareing me saying it could me neurological like ALS and my legs have been twitching for months now anyways I'm a 18 year old male healthy is my doctor right or is my brother right

A tattooed college professor in Japan?

I am going to be finished with graduate school in about two years and wanted to apply to work at some international schools (K-12) and international universities in Japan. I know that tattoos are generally considered taboo in Japan and I am afraid that having a visible tattoo will make finding and keeping a job difficult. I already have a cherry blossom on my foot (which is not visible when I wear shoes) but I am planning on getting another tattoo on my wrist. I used to live in Japan, so I am aware of the social stigma--would this also exist at an international school/university?

Losing a Shoe in Dream?

Ok a few months ago I had a dream about giving this guy running shoes. Well recently I had a dream that I lost one of the shoes off my feet. The guy who I dreamed about giving the running shoes to in the past found my shoe and was trying to return it to me. I didn't know who had my shoe and I was walking around with one shoe on trying to find my shoe and he was trying to give me my shoe. For some reason things kept getting in his way of efforts to give my shoe and I simply couldn't find my shoe. The shoe was glittery and silver

Why isn't it okay to make fun of cancer, but it's okay to make fun of other medical conditions?

I often see people making fun of people with psychiatric, neurological disorders and seizures specifically in the neurological category, but when someone makes a joke about cancer or something it's a serious deal? I'm not trying to say cancer is any less, I was just wondering why? Disorders like anorexia nervosa are completely deadly because it is also a slow death. I was just wondering why. Seizure disorders are horrible, too (I'm epileptic) and people make fun of them by faking a seizure by like twitching their arm and making weird noises. Is it because people think that people with psychiatric disorders and personality disorders are psycho/crazy/etc.? If that's the case, people really need to be more educated about this.

Anyone got any cheats to get gold coins on dizzywood?

i am saving up for my vampires vs zombie party and i need more gold coins to buy stuff and my outfit so i need some cheats cuz when i play games i just seem to get a load of silver coins

Looking to get a Pandora Bracelet?

I wanted to get a Pandora Bracelet. My friend has a"starter chain" i think it's called and its silver with a clasp that says PANDORA. How much would the bracelet cost?

Will sun exposure or lake water affect my silver dyed hair?

I have a patch of silver I recently got in the front of my head. It was bleached first then two different depositers were put on it to make it a silverish color. I want to go to the beach but I'm afraid too much sun or lake water could do something to the color. Should I be worried?

What season do Cherry blossoms bloom in Japan?

This has already been asked today: a href=";_ylt=AqI4xka_X0tU3_EyuBdSTBdVDX1G;_ylv=3?qid=20110611232058AAnK7Pi";…/a

How is this question a violation of yahoo answers guidelines?

if it looks like a frog and quacks like a duck it must be bad so report it. yep that is correct , so I have also been told fredo frog

Please can someone read the beginning of my first chapter?

I love it!! Its amazing!! I think uou introduce too many characters at once, and thats s bit confusing. Like do they all live together snd is carl beths boyfriend or does he like melody? And who is matt and why is he a pig? Lol, but apart from that i love it!! I would so read this!! When its done, can i read it??

Confused about health insurance for my son?

Don't agree with the mediation and insist on a court date. If it was stipulated he was supposed to carry it you can make him. Or you can tell them if you are carrying it he will need to pay half of the co-pay and unpaid medical since you are paying the insurance premium.

Eve Silver's books I need help I'm not sure which series is first.?

I am wanting to start reading Eve Silvers books.. I found one on the bookshelf in my house I know there are series.. I'm wanting to know if I have the 1st starting book.. I have **Demon's Kiss** Is there a site I can go to? Or hopefully someone can tell me if mine is the 1st starting one? please?

Am I a misanthrope or just the devil?

Last year was my very first encounter with a homeless man. I've seen them in film and on the news and stuff, but never in person. My whole life I grew up sheltered, as a member of the top percent of society, only going to private schools, and living in gated communities. I rarely leave the house. The only time I see poor people (earning less than $250,000 a year) is when I go shopping, when I travel, or they come to my estate to work. Of course, it's always in a very limited capacity. So, anyway, my father and I were walking to our hotel in NYC and lo and behold, the little sh*t asked me for money, and touched my arm! I felt like my arm was going to burn off. I cried! My father pulled me close, and pushed the man away so I wouldn't get hurt. The guy must have been drunk and fell to the ground. He was fine though. But for some reason, while he was on the ground, I had this DEEP urge to step on the man's face. I imagined my heel going right through his eye. Of course I didn't do anything because that would cross my personal ethics. I'm NOT violent. Still, that event has blossomed into hatred for the masses. Since, I have had a recurrent nightmare involving poor people scaling my fence and pillaging our beautiful home... led by the homeless man from NYC. As a consequence, I have developed a deep mistrust of our help, people I have known for years now seem so alien. Sometimes I catching myself smiling when I see poor people begging on the side of the road. I've even swerved toward puddles with my Mercedes to splash people when they are walking on the WRONG side of the road. I talked to my sister about my feelings. She said I am a "misanthrope" and that I should go to a soup kitchen or something. But I don't think I am any different from anyone else I know. They ALL talk about how pathetic the underclasses are and the need to bring in more and more immigrants into the country, so that the "middle class" will be forced to work for near nothing. This makes sense to me, as most Americans are commodities that THINK they are worth more than they actually are. I don't think I am special. On the contrary, I think all humans are rats without tails. I've considered donating money to Planned Parenthood for abortions, as the whole world is covered with these unfortunate people, and seem to be growing at an alarming rate. Now I am feeling really guilty for these feelings, confused too, but I also feel liberated in a way. I feel like I've uncovered some great Truth. I'd like to get to the root of my feelings. Is there a clinical name for this? Maybe I'm just the devil incarnate. Help!

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Do I have neurological problem?

I have had constant headaches every day for the past 2 years or maybe even longer. I saw a doctor about this and concluded that they are stress headaches. I do think stress has a role in my severe headaches but was wondering what else could be wrong. My vision has gone from 20/20 to 20/40 to 20/50 and i am constantly nauseous and usually cant remember anything that has happened within the past couple of days. Recently I have had trouble sleeping, have had trouble breathing for nearly 8 years...had an inhaler but it never worked...sometimes have difficulties swallowing. I also don't eat very much. Something very light in the morning, at lunch and occasionally a good dinner ex. spaghetti. Do I have some kind of neurological disease or is it just a migraine?

Where online can I buy a cheap yukata obi? I need a shop that ships to the US. I want a pink or blue Obi.?

It can be two colors or just one. it can also be pre-tied or a regular obi. I would like for it the be solid color. If it has a pattern I prefer butterflies or sakura (cherry blossom). I only want to pay $20 or less including shipping.

To vaccinate against EHV or not?

I've heard some vets recommend vaccinating with the regular rhinovirus vaccine and others saying to do so would weaken the horse's immune system. I vaccinated my gelding today with the dead version of the virus so I'm not concerned about his immune system getting weakened (I know the vaccine doesn't prevent the neurological form, but it's still being recommended to prevent the normal rhino from taking hold which can apparently predispose a horse to the neurological form). I've heard too that it's good to vaccinate against it right now so that the horse's immune system is amped up against it. Is this just one of those things that everyone is going to have a different opinion on? What have you heard about it?

Good name for my car?

I'm thinking of naming my car. Its a 2001 Toyota Celica GTS Silver. Since Toyota is Japanese I was thinking maybe Jibo (which is short for jibousha- automobile in Japanese) or Kuru (short for Kuruma no- car in Japanese) Which do you like better? If you have any great names I would definitely appreciate it!! :) Thanks so much!!

I didn't get my ps3 trophies. which i earned! why didn't i?

I just finished beating Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. After the credits, expecting a gold trophy ( for getting the apple of eden/beating the game) a silver for complete sequence 8, and a bronze for completing sequence 9, i didnt get ANY OF THEM. wtf? can someone help me out. i even quit the game, reset my router, and nothing.. help? i dont get it....

How much would this tattoo cost?

well I know basically nothing about tattoos, but it looks like it would take a few visits to get it fully done. my step brother has a clown fish done on his hip and that took him two-three visits and it wasn't NEARLY as big as the one you want to get.idk how much you'd be spending tho

I have a low intelligence and i don't think ill ever be accepted into college!?

Last time i checked i had a GPA close to a 3.00. But i just graduated from high school and i got my transit papers; they summarize my schooling progress. I was reading it and it explained that as a young boy i had fluid in my ears and i couldn't see good and refused to wear my eye glasses (They said it was limiting my education. And i have to agree because i'm still limited in my education and i suck at math. The consensus of my school was for them put me into special education which was horrible and didn't really challenged me.) I have to agree that im lethargic when it came to school because i was more interested in games too. My IQ is 93 but they said in my transit that i had superior visual memory and it was very high for a boy my age, but i have a neurological problem. I often space out during conversation and start to fiddle around with my fingers or i would play with my pencil. My doctor said i didn't have ADHD even though my teachers said i have trouble staying focus and even talked to me about it.My biggest problem that they noted which is a fact is that i have social problems with communication and i don't think ill ever be successful or find a girlfriend. Anyways i already graduated from high school and i came out of special ed in high school. Please don't make fun of me :(

Which color goes with more things Dark Blue or White?

Hi. I saw a Denim vest at a store that I wanted but is in white with silver buttons , white stitching. I went to the stores website and they have it in Dark Blue with gold buttons and gold stitching. Which one can be worn with more things? Thanks

Seeing things out of the corner of my eye?

Ok. I have this problem a lot. But seeing as your therapist I'm going to give you the most... "Believable" idea possible. The static from television Etc. is playing with your head and it hurts your dogs ears. It sure as hell hurts mine. (I'm a 13 year old, kids hear higher pitches than adults usually)

Should we save and turn Gila National Forest into protected land, especially from ranchers and hunters?

This is one of the oldest and biggest public land in the United States. Could you imagine if it was a park that protected all of its historical & endangered natural species? For example, some predators such as jaguar, cougar, Mexican wolf, brown bear, bald eagle, black bear, ocelot, bobcat and coyote all belong here before being wiped out for cattle industry (sadly today, they can graze all year round which makes unbalance land for nature). Non predators such as Pronghorn, buffalo, trout, whooping crane, spotted owl, parrot, desert bighorn, collared peccary and reintroducing wild llama are some of many species that should still roam this vast land for everyone to appreciate, enjoy and respect. This proposed protected land would eventually be transformed back to its most beautiful state as once before. Tourism would blossom because it would attract so many people around the world like African & India's Safari. Importantly, tourism will rise tremendously & will create jobs for the locals, especially for those affected by reduction of cattle industry in that area. Why it is so important to save that area and its wildlife, because it has its own unique wildlife like no other in the world and it would hold over 5 large predators in one area similar to African wildlife.This project would be much bigger and more profitable then Yellowstone park because due to weather it can be open all year round, this would be bigger than Yellowstone NP accomplishment. Another reason, Gila Park will be the only park in North America with so many large predators to support and maintain a healthy ecosystem like Africa. This is the only place in North America where such diversity is possible.

What is Leadership Academy ?

I`m in NJROTC at Antelope Valley High School in Lancaster, CA. what is leadership academy , & what all do i have to pass to get a silver cord ?

I need help with a manga im writing!!! Please HELP?!?!?!?

Wow I like it I was thinking of writing a manga as well but I can't draw to well. But you know a romance would definitely help out like one with a girl he meets at the orphanage who turns out has a dormant power that they will find out later. And she likes him but he shoves her off usually. And as for the people maybe they wanted to kill him because he had such a great power and they wanted it themselves and threatened his brother into killing him but when they came to take the power from them it activated and he trapped then in his eye the source of his power but they get released because his brother released them?? Maybe idk it's your story just a cool twist the brother became one of them and when they were released they took part of his power idk how you like that but it's just my opinion

How do I choose a horse that's suitable for a rider with a diability?

I have a neurological disability which affects the balance part of the brain. I have some riding experience, however I don't really do much more than a trot. I would like to canter or lope, but the only time I did-I kept sliding all over the saddle. Then recently I found out I was a heavy handed rider, so I would possibly need a smooth, gaited horse that's forgiving, right?

Fish Turned Silver/Grey Then Died?

Thats happened to me before and with the sound of the guppy loosing its color && the tail disappearing basically becomes shredded up outta no where it sounds like columnaris. Visit my site link under "ailments" it'll tell you what it is, && how to treat it.

Is no news always good news on a brain mri scan?

I called last week and they hadn't got the results yet and they said if they found anything they would call me. I called back and they said that the results would be discussed at my follow up appointment. So since they didn't call me and I called them is no news good news. I know something has to be wrong with because I'm having tons of neurological symptons including seizures. What do you think?

Demon possession in the Bible?

Why is it that there is nothing in the Bible that cannot be explained by science? For example, the demon possessed people mentioned in the New Testament that Jesus and his disciples expelled. Was this really demon possession or neurological disorders such as up Tourette's Syndrome or Epilepsy? To a person living 2000 years ago Tourette's Syndrome was not heard of. Although, it was there, and epilepsy was present as well but they did not know of these disorders, the superstitious religious followers most likely misdiagnose a neurological disease for demon possession. I would like to hear your response . Thank you

Is it better to water your garden at night or in the morning?

I always water it at night and it seems to be fine since it started to blossom. However i forgot to water tonight and its too late to go outside. To be honest i wouldnt mind watering it every morning. Is that okay?

What would you name twins girls?

i like lauren and louise but from your list, Kaylee-Dawn & Vanessa-Dawn. who says they cant have the same middle name :) Ella is not a good idea ther are hundreds of them. even though its beautiful. i liek Ella -louise.

Which undergraduate universities have the highest percentage of students getting into medical school?

I am interested in becoming something in the neurological field. I am going to be a junior in high school and I was wondering what undergraduate universities have the highest percent of students who actually get into med school.

Slipped on ice and blacked out 5 month's ago....?

I slipped and fell on ice and blacked out 5 month's ago. I hopped on an airplane the very next morning and noticed at the airport that my nose was crooked. The nose straightened itself out but I have been having alot of very different symptoms off and on since then. I get major headaches (hurts to touch forehead). I fell on my right side but heard cracking from head to my shoulders on my left side. I have since had the following symptoms: Kaleidoscope vision, major headaches in forehead, dizziness where I almost feel like fainting, and most recently, my eye sockets hurt when I try to go to sleep at night and I also get numbness and tingly radiating from my forehead to backside of my head. I went to the ER a week ago because I had numbness and tingling from forehead down left-side of my nose and also around the backside of my head. The MRI showed no bleeding out of the brain and structurally nothing. The ER physician referred me to a neurologist (who cannot get me in for 2 1/2 weeks). They prescribed Vicoden and that helps and I started out only taking 1 per day (prescription says 1-2 every 6 hrs.) - but now I am requiring 2 to get through the day. I am hoping I make it for 2 more weeks! I have been calling several neurologist's but told that unless my MRI showed bleeding-out of my brain- then I cannot be seen any sooner. My symptoms are only getting worse and I am not wanting to faint/blackout or develop any drooping face or neurological damage. Any advice?

Brought to you today by the words sigil and vigil. C/C?

You may or may not be what you said or dint say but to me you are a light that remains, keepin some of us out of the shadows.

Applying for provisional driving licence - medical condition help?

It could come under 11 or 14, depending on how serious it is, but it's best to check with your doctor to be sure as they will be aware of the severity of the condition as well as what needs to be declared.

Help me redecorate my room !!?

okay so im redecorating my room, right now my furniture is white and my walls are a rich chocolate brown, im not exactly sure what i want to do yet i was thinking maybe asian inspired? think cherry blossom tree, or im really up for anything! something important is I really want an amazing picture to hang over my bed, they have this awesome zebra one at ikea but it wouldn't match, if you could find one similar that is more in a sepia or brown town that'd be amazing ! but if not i want a big centerpiece kinda picture, please leave links to actual things or examples dont just write check pottery barn or ikea.... thanks !

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Like right now im seriously piss off right now! I wrote a novel on the computer and put it on my flash drive because I was leaving for a short period. But the document wont work it keep saying, "An error occur trying to read cherry blossom." Its microsoft word. So when I come home someone redid my computer system and now my save document are gone! I don't care about the other stuff but my novel is gone! Now okay maybe it wouldn't have been publish but I work months on that and now I'm pissed. So how to open the remaining document that I have also does it help that I put a pass word on it when you try to read it!

Help omg omg omg thanks?

See an eye doctor ASAP because if you're seeing double vision it can be harmful to your vision in the future

Injured black-capped chickadee?

I found an injured black-capped chickadee this morning. It holds its head to one side, is hardly able to stand and cannot fly. It acts like it has some neurological damage. I'm thinking it might have flown into a window. I have already tried taking it to a rehab center and they said they wouldn't do anything to treat it. I have gotten the bird to eat and drink for me. Could it recover?

I cant read outloud? Neurological?

Im 16 and i have never been able to read out loud properly. It is NOT public speaking anxiety, i can talk to a crowd fine, it's more like when i see the words on the page and try to connect it to my mouth and say it outloud it doesnt come out right. I can read in my head perfectly and very fast, it's just when it comes to actually SAYING what im reading i mess up. Im afraid it's something neurological, like my mouth and eyes arent connected properly? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

What more exercises can i do?

Go swimming. It's soo fun and easy to do! BTW, You are supposed to have weight. If you hit 130 pounds, stop. That's where a 14 year olds weight needs to be.

Rate my soul silver team?

I would suggest Donphan, a good ground type would fit into this team well. If you can trade though, there are better options, like Golem and Steelix. Also sandslash can work if you wish.

Whats wrong with my dog?

Okay so I found out my dog was in the hospital, and she spent the night there. The doctors said she ate some tree bark and leaves and thats not un usual for dogs to eat that. But the reason why is because her rear and legs were trembling and she couldent walk. The doctors did tests and they said everything was normal. Blood, urine, feces, all that. But they also said it could be neurological. And right now shes kinda lazy. Shes laying down resting next to me. I think she shaking is a little bit there but when I walked in the door she seemed pretty happy. Oh and shes 9 years old. What does this mean? Is she going to be okay? Will she die? Please help! thankss :)

What color bathroom towels to use for bathroom with red walls?

I am moving into a house where the walls are red (deep romantic red), accents are white and the hardware is silver. I know the obvious reach would be white towels/rug, but I share the bathroom with my 6 year old son so white probably isn't a good choice. Any thoughts on other complimentary colors?

Does anyone know where I can get a pewter Sisters pin?

A year or so ago, I bought 7 pewter pins with five women holding a gold ball with the word "Sisters" on it. Since then, the store, from which I purchased these pins for my sisters and me, has closed. I'd like to get a few more, since some of them need to be replaced (broken, not fixable, lost), since we wear them almost daily and especially when we get together. If you can tell me where I can buy them, I'd would be so grateful. Please don't refer me to the tri-metal (sterling silver, copper, and brass) ones. They are all over the internet, but not for what I'm looking. Thanks for you help.

Does beating Red in Soul Silver mean you beat the game?

I beat Red in Pkmn SS. But does this mean that the game is beaten? Or are there other things that I'd have to do?

Is cherry blossoms a good quinceanera theme?

I was thinking cherry blossoms, but I was thinking maybe its too plain for a quinceanera. But I love the flower and i'm really fond of japan. I was also thinking I dont want something too plain, but also something not to big I mean im all for it, but come on this is a tradition. My favorite colors are blue and black so maybe pink isn't a good idea. Can you help me make up my mind?

Possible brain tumor!?

Ok so I have been having tons of severe neurological problems. Like weakness, numbness,muscle jerks and just too many to name. My neurologist ordered an eeg which I got done yesterday and instead of the lines being in a pattern they were big in some spots and little in others. Does that mean an abnormal eeg or normal? I asked the tech and she said she couldn't tell me anything because she was just the tech. I also got an mri done and the tech didn't tell me anything then. I had to stay in their longer than normal because he said some of the pictures were smudgy. He also asked me while I was getting it done when do I go back to the docter again. Could that mean somethings wrong? I called my neurologist office and asked the receptionist if he had read the results and she said no. When should he call me back? Please help!!!!! But also I wasn't supposed to get a mri with dye but the mri tech thought I need it!

Is anyone else fed up with these types of females? Could anyone relate with me and share their opinions?

You have a lot to learn in life, young man. I am male myself, but won't bother to answer such a daft question. You probably wouldn't read it anyway, as you seem to think you know everything. Empty vessels make most noise!

Will you read a P & G poem, s' il vous plait?

Such soaring mind you have! I like this, and wish, that I could have mercurial shoes to bring me to your vision of the earth. I just need to know waht the parentheses are for.

Please help my scizor pokemon emerald?

i need it to learn a good bug move i kno it can learn silver wind by breeding but i leveld a butterfree up to 47 so it learned silver wind and then put it and my scizor in the daycare, i took my scizor out and it knew no new moves and i hatced the egg they had and it was a caterpie wat do i do?

My mom is not at all allowing me to go to athletics and Iam a good athlete . How shall i convince her ?

Please give an idea to convince my mom . I got 4 gold medals and 1 silver in my school. She is telling that your studies will get affected don't go to athletics.Please give me an idea before 14th of June because on 14th june there is a selection for Inter school athletics meet.

How does insect kingdom survive during the winter? and reveal itself during the summer?

Insects do all three, it just matters what insect it is. Butterflies for example migrate while others like bees store up food to last them during the winter.

Help asap please 10 easy points?

Well I have astigmatism I'n both eyes and for some reason only my left eye sees good with the glasses on but my right eye still sees double even with the best lens he tried but he says he those not see anything wrong with my eye but is referring me to a specialist to see why my right eye is still seeing double anyways he said it's not neurological but I'm scared it might be ALS or something worse I'm a healthy 18 year old male and my legs twitch occasionally that's a sign of ALS so could it be ALS or keratoconus the doctor checked my eyes real good he took like 40 minutes looking in them with a whole bunch of stuff also why when i look at black background's with white letters with my glasses on do i see double

Any ideas for this 2 page paper? This is a rough draft...?

Sounds REALLY good! How old are you? I think your teacher will be pleased :) I can't think of anything for you to improve on, so that's good.

A good lipstick/stain?

I want a lip stick or stain which is really light colour, like the colour of foundation, now I have one called apple blossom by nateral collections which i love the colour of but as it is a cheap lipstick it goes a bit gross after a while, like i cant just put more on i have to wipe it off completely and start again. can anyone suggest any tips on how to make it stay nice or any products which are good?

Can zoloft mess up your brain?

Pretty much I've spooked myself by reading to many horror storys about this medication. I've been on it for almost a year, and will hopefully be off it at the year mark. Though I do have memory problems from this medication can the neurological effects be permanent? As well is there any prove to support this? Thanks.

A good pokemon team in Soul Silver?

I just started Soul Silver and I chose cyndaquil and im wondering if you guys could tell me what my team should be! Thanks!

What is your favorite song of Solomon ...? Does it have the Solomon seal...?

Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

What is the name of this movie?

It is a fairly recent movie . It is an artistic type of movie I suppose. There is this doctor fellow, and I believe his wife has some kind of neurological disease, and he is trying to cure his wife. The movie is set in the winter I THINK because I remember seeing snow. The movie cuts between him in this sort of space world, with some kind of mystical tree perhaps. I don't remember t he ending because I haven't seen it all.

Colour scheme Please? 10p to best answer!?

I would use silver and white and icy blue, that way you will most definitely stand out in the red, especially if it's a little bit on the burgundy or raspberry side. Have your guests come in jewel tones, like emerald or sapphire, or amethyst, just keep ruby and garnet off the list!

Diagnosing a stalker...?

Do people who obsess over someone or something have a neurological disorder? Can it be put into a psychological term? Or is it simply that the person is insanely dependent? Please explain what is wrong with him.

Can two male silver tip sharks be in one tank?

I am planning on getting a silver tip shark but i would like to get two boys. This will sound silly but i want to get two boys because i want to name them beck and cade. So can they both go in the same tank or will they get aggressive with each other? Because i know that regular male fish usually don't like each other so im wondering if the same goes for the sharks?

Would I be able to make a complaint against my doctor?

absolutely, there are so many "doctors" out there that don't take anything seriously and shouldn't have that profession in the first place

Why is there little to no medical progress in these 2 areas?

In 1942 there was renal hemodialysis which could save the lives of patients with endstage renal disease but only at the cost of utterly destroying their quality of life. The same situation obtains today. In 1922 there was insulin to treat diabetes, but the treatment dosing was onerous and dangerous, and no amount of precision obtainable could prevent neurological and vascular complications and premature death. The situation is still the same today.

Medical diagnostic help for my cat?

Ok my cat is a 4 year old American short hair, recently he started having random episodes of severe dizziness and smooth but uncontrolled muscle movement. During these episodes someone will usually gently hold on to him to keep him from standing up and hurting him self, this always prompts him to start purring showing he’s still aware of his surroundings and ether trying to keep his composer or is not in pain. The episodes start with him standing up and falling over, or him just lying on a bed or couch and he randomly looses balance and falls off. The episodes start sudden but they slowly subside until he’s back to normal within a minute or two, during his heart rate is very fast but stable (ie. not irregular.) and afterwards his reflexes are fine, his hearing is fine, and his eye sight is fine. My first thought was ether blood sugar crash or dehydration because he is on new low calorie diet food, we added in more of his old food so he gets some calories and it seemed to help, he had a rather bad attack today where he fell on the floor and was struggling to stay off his back, he was stumbling and rolling around, his back legs kept sticking up in the air and he couldn’t really control his front legs or most of his spinal muscles. My next thought is ether inner ear infection or he had a small stroke a little while ago and now has neural relapses. But I can’t find any evidence for neurological damage but something is going on, he is 22 pounds and last time he went to the vet they said their was a large amount of fat around his organs, which is why he is on the diet food, he has made good progress and has lost some of the fat but he is still over wait. He is rather active, he chases things and jumps up on stuff without incident. The last little bit his background, we had another cat which was his cousin and she died at 3 of congenital heart failure, as a result we had him checked and he dose have a heart murmur, which is thought to be because of the fat around his heart is preventing a valve from closing all the way. He’s sitting next to me right now and looks and is acting perfectly fine, pleas let me know what you thing and whether or not you can help me.

Do I need to WAX my car?

I have a fiat punto, 2005..its in lovley condition and is silver/gray, metallic I think. (I don't know exactly what metalic is but its like your average shiney silver car). Anyway do I need to wax it or anything cus iv never done it

What do you think of my writing?

I've been writing for 9 years, and I'm studying creative writing and English in college right now. I think that you are putting a little too many describing words in your sentences, such as "across fields of meadows and pens". You're running your sentences too far on, and I'd you do that, readers will become uninterested very easy and very early. A book does not have to be perfect, it has to be real. So keep things proper, but at the same time, down to earth.

Could this be neurological?Or have something to do with my brain?

As soon as I sit down my left leg starts tingling and buzzing really bad and then goes numb. Could this be neurological?

Vertigo ? brain problems?

Diagnosed with 3 brain lesions 2 years ago,havent been on meds or had any treatment,been trying supplements etc. Well last 3 days i have had a dizzy type feeling very bad. And i have these strong like neurological type moving feelings in my head that seem to control my whole body and my head. When driving from work on highway thought i was going to black out or something. Blurred and double type vision as well..Some may say vertigo/inner ear,but..i cant help but think it may be my brain lesions,uh im a littttle worried.

Can the position I sleep in cause facial issues?

For the last year or so, I've been having weird sensations on the left side of my face. First off it feels like its literally tugging on the left downward.. Hard to explain. To the left of my forehead, it feels mildly numb and I feel tension from the forehead down to my neck. When I wake up in the morning, I'll sometimes get a tingling sensation for as long as an hour on the left side of my forehead. One person said it could be the way I sleep which is with my face down, but I dont know. From first look it seems as I have Bells Pasy because it seems to droop just a bit. I went to the hospital on a check up two months ago, and the doctor did a neurological exam, and was fine. She said I had symptoms of Bells but the symptoms were leaning towards another of my nerves that seemed to be pinched. She literally checked for everything, and along with the MRI came back fine. Now about a month later, it feels as if my left nasal passage is slightly closed lol, its hard to explain. I feel as if the left of my face is falling, keep in mind this didn't come suddenly as Bells would, but its been slowly progressing. I was advised to get more rest, and exercise. But what could this condition be?

Thinking of getting a turbo convection oven, If you have one what do you think of it?

I've only ever seen one before and have never used one. My oven doesn't work and my microwave is shabby and years old. If I get one of these types of ovens can I put things rapped in silver foil in them? will it cook an apple pie you get from a supermarket. Does it brown things. Can it toast bread....cheese on toast...act like a grill???? Any comments or criticisms appreciated. I'm single and don't cook alot.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is there any way to get the Wifi event stuff when it's over on pokemon soul silver?

I got pokemon soul silver late and all of the wi-fi event stuff is over. Is there any way to get the stuff? Can I like contact a store, or website?

What is the weather in Newcastle area?

Hi, could someone help me out with the weather and seasons in the Newcastle area in the UK? When do the leaves begin to change, and when does the snow fall and begin to melt for spring? Are there hawthorne blossoms in the area, when do they bloom? Thanks so much!

Are we headed for a depression in 2012 or earlier?

Gerald Celente said 2012 or earlier would start a depression based on huge Gov spending, no jobs, hyper inflation, and other things. Others are saying the same. What is your opinions on this? I believe we are going to another depression. We have had recession after recession, but the last depression was in 1929 and World War 2 got us out of that. The US Gov might try to start another war to get us out of this one but who wants to fight for nothing. Are the elites real like the Rocket Fellas, Queen of Europe, BP, etc have control of the economy and trying to take control? What do you believe? Is it smart to buy Gold and Silver? Food and Water is more valuable than Gold and Silver because our bodies need it to survive.

I wrote a poem and i wanted to know if you have any constructive criticism or anything for me?

The meter is very nice, and the sentiment of the poem is clear, but there's something that puts me off about the second line, 'in summer time without the snow', that makes it seem like you're stretching for a rhyme and meter without making it seem effortless. It makes me wonder if there's a summer time with snow? Or would have have to presume that you've been under the cherry blossoms when there was snow? More information would have to be forthcoming to make that leap of logic. A few lines before that, suggesting there was been a change of seasons.

How to clean a silver coin without vinegar?

Okay. I don't have any vinegar. Is there some other everyday household item that I could drop a coin in to clean it?

Question about USA pennies?

a guy told me yesterday that it would be a wise thing to hold onto all the USA pennies that were made before 1982. because they are made of 95% copper and that as high as copper prices are now,the pennies are worth more from the copper than they are face value. and he said that one day if copper goes up the pennies will be took out of circulation and be destoryed by the government for the copper in them,and if you hold onto them now while they are still in circualtion,then later when they go out they will become valuabe as much as like when they stopped making silver dimes and quarters back in 1965. is he telling the truth,would it be wise to store up on all the old pennies? i read a thing online that said 1.00 in pennies that are made before 1982,are worth 2.83 in just the copper out of them.

Serious medical help for my puppy?

My lab puppy is 4 months old. about 3 weeks ago someone dropped him and when we took him to the vet they said it was a sprained ankle. he has been gradually getting worse. ive taken him to 3 different doctors now. his back legs aren't functioning and he cant walk. he wont even stand up to use the bathroom. They found fluid in his brain and they said he had neurological damage to his spine but is there any other explanation? they're not sure if they can do anything to help him. advice?

Silver DofE info please!?

i have just finished year 10 and signed up for my silver - i was considering doing the expedition on horseback - i dont have a horse of my own, i just do the hobbies at school etc and i was wondering if you had to have your own horse to take part?


You know how there are slide designs you can use? Well, none of them go with my project. I need some sort of slide background that goes with Japan, like cherry blossoms or something. Is there any place where I can get different slide designs? This is urgent, the project is due tomorrow! Thanks.

Are you able to get two tattoos in one sitting?

I'm planning on getting a lotus flower on my upper left arm and cherry blossoms from my upper left shoulder blade to the bottom of the shoulder blade. it'll be my first tattoo and i have a very high pain tolerance by the way. will i be able to have them both done at the same time?

What sells more(Retail or Online)? Gold or Silver?

I could not find a definitive answer to your query, because no such statistics are published. However, since gold is about 40 times more expensive per ounce than silver, it is a good guess that gold products would have a substantially higher sales volume.

Would there be an intrest in a "ask me anything" type thing on Y!A?

Don't care about your medical ! This is what really old folks do and it's boring as hell. & No thanks I'm healthy.

Help me find 'my style' please? (Not hard)?

its called vintage and indie fashion check out this site i think youll like it a href="" rel="nofollow"

Please help! my kitten has fleas! how long til they go away?

Its Okay your kitten will be fine and so will you all you have to do is get a flea drops from your pets doctor and apply straight away good luck!

Does anyone have a mew or celebi on soul silver?

I have a level 100 salamence, that i am willing to trade. My friend code is, 2322 7643 3101. As soon as you answer with your friend code i will go to the th pokecenter wifi club and we can trade there

Whats the most ridiculous name you have come across?

I know a girl called petal blossom and i know of a parent who having the common irish surname Power decided to give her son the name max


I only read the first paragraph. First off you did the worst thing you could ever do which is describing waking up and going about your day. Then you described that it was a 2 bed flat as the character and it's fairly obvious your character would just out right say that. Then scimming over the rest I could see you described some things way too much.

Help asap asap please?

Well I have astigmatism I'n both eyes and for some reason only my left eye sees good with the glasses on but my right eye still sees double even with the best lens he tried but he says he those not see anything wrong with my eye but is referring me to a specialist to see why my right eye is still seeing double anyways he said it's not neurological but I'm scared it might be ALS or something worse I'm a healthy 18 year old male and my legs twitch occasionally that's a sign of ALS so could it be ALS

Possible brain tumor or something else?

Ok so I have been having tons of severe neurological problems. Like weakness, numbness,muscle jerks and just too many to name. My neurologist ordered an eeg which I got done yesterday and instead of the lines being in a pattern they were big in some spots and little in others. Does that mean an abnormal eeg or normal? I asked the tech and she said she couldn't tell me anything because she was just the tech. I also got an mri done and the tech didn't tell me anything then. I had to stay in their longer than normal because he said some of the pictures were smudgy. He also asked me while I was getting it done when do I go back to the docter again. Could that mean somethings wrong? I called my neurologist office and asked the receptionist if he had read the results and she said no. When should he call me back? Please help!!!!! But also I wasn't supposed to get a mri with dye but the mri tech thought I need it!

Need a tattoo Idea! Help please ?

you could have the vines kinda of spell out their names or initials. the way the vines twirl will just look like normal vines so it wouldnt blantly be their names-you would have to really look to be able to see that.

Is this OK for a burial scene?

Wow! This is so good! I love it! I want to read the beginning and end! So fantastic!! More more more! Amazing!!

How much is my antique bed warmer?

I have this old antique bed warmer and I have no idea how much It's worth. It has a short wooden handle and is in great shape, on top of it is this engraved lion, the bed warmer is silver. I have no idea how much this thing is worth. It would be great if you could help me, thanks:)

What the heck is wrong with my back?

A while ago I fell on my back while running backwards. I had about 60 lbs of gear on. For about two months I had this unbearable pain. The pain hasn't gone away, however, it comes and goes. I can't lift much more than 20 lbs. My back becomes stiff... extremely stiff. It hurts to lay flat on my back sometimes. Standing in one place for more than say ten minutes generates severe lower back pain. It is extreme. I have to move or lay down. I keep getting weird sensations in leg, stomach and hands. It feels like a sort of tingling or pins and needles. It comes and goes. Certain positions cause it to become more frequent. It's usually in a general area of the aforementioned body locations... not the exact same location. Also, a certain part of my spine bulges. It's extremely prominent. I know that in skinny people, the spine usually shows, however, I am not that skinny and it's just a certain part of my spine. The middle part of my back sticks out a lot more than the rest and also the right muscle in my back is almost always very hard and it hurts like hell to use it even just a little. My back feels so stiff...My muscle is always tight. It will start to spasm for no reason.. could it be neurological?

Is it possible to have Huntington's Disease without a family history of it?

Hello, I am a 21 year old male who's experiencing neurological symptoms which I believe to be indicative of Huntington's disease. In January I began to experience depression/anxiety. Furthermore, I have been having muscle twitching all over my body persistently everyday for the last 2 months now. These twitches occur at rest. I have also begun to have trouble swallowing, which gets progressively worse throughout the day. Similarly, I have severe pain underside my left leg which also gets worse throughout the day. Also, my body involuntarily jerks just before I am about to fall asleep, causing me to wake up. My symptoms are gradually getting worse and I feel trapped. Although my symptoms suggest Huntington's, my family history and genes suggest otherwise. There is no family history of Huntington's in my family, I am 21 years old, and I am not from a European background, where the incidence of this disease is a bit higher. So wouldn't the odds make it nearly impossible for me to develop this disease. Let's say for example I do have the disease, wouldn't it be nearly impossible for me to develop it at such an early age since I would hypothetically be the first in my family to have it? I have a neurologist appointment scheduled in 2 months, but the wait has been hell for me and my symptoms are getting worse by the day. I am lost and confused and it feels like I am losing my mind.. If anyone can offer any advice or some sort of explanation, it would help.

The ones that I want don't want me. The ones that want me are ones I don't want.?

Yes dating sux big time... most of the dudes that approach me are on some sort of illegal substance. Hey, the right chick will come along hopefully, if not just move to the Caribbean, live a life of relaxation, and become a self-proclaimed medicine man, who guides the wounded and lost sheep into the light. Thats what I'm planning to do.(Yes i thought this through daily) . Also i have to commend u on your values, its rare to here about a person, who respects themselves the way you do.

Sudden decreased mental abilities?

i had the same symptoms right before i was hospitalized for depression. i am also 15 and just got discharged on monday. i never realized how depressed i was hospitalized. i'm not saying you need to be hospitalized but you may be suffering from depression and i would really reccomend setting up an appoitment with a psycologist.

What do you think about this story... so far...?

Its really good and you have some spelling errors but im not going to point them out cause im tired. you have a really good start and id love to read it. idky but i kept thinking the preveted guy was going to come into her room lol you got me guessing lol :) Nice work.

Mouse help!! URGENT!!!!?

So for about 3 days my mouse (about 1 year old! Got him for Christmas 2010) has been having mini seizures and neurological episodes. He has been favoring his left side. Like leaning.. He only turns to the right. So I took him to the vet right after it started happening (because I found him flipping/rolling on the floor of the cage.. I freaked out and called my mom.. she then told me to call the vet.. *I was home alone that day!*). It stopped yesterday.. but still, I kinda want to know whats wrong with my baby! The vet said it might be a brain tumor, vitamin deficiency, or mini strokes. He said there wasn't much he could do with him.. he couldn't even give him any medication! Then he said it might be an ear infection.. then he corrected himself, it probably isn't an ear infection. It kinda made me wonder.... But like an hour ago i got him out to check on him and he had is nose like on the floor sniffing like crazy! So I put him on my bede to get a closer look. He was sniffing. But then I put my finger really close to his eye.. he didn't close it until touched his face. I thought he was blind so I put my finger at eye level to see what he would do.. he walked right into it. Now he s lying in the corner of his cage.. he's not dead.. I check about every five seconds!! But I'm really worried about my Olliekinz! Help please!