Friday, August 5, 2011

Possible brain tumor or something else?

Ok so I have been having tons of severe neurological problems. Like weakness, numbness,muscle jerks and just too many to name. My neurologist ordered an eeg which I got done yesterday and instead of the lines being in a pattern they were big in some spots and little in others. Does that mean an abnormal eeg or normal? I asked the tech and she said she couldn't tell me anything because she was just the tech. I also got an mri done and the tech didn't tell me anything then. I had to stay in their longer than normal because he said some of the pictures were smudgy. He also asked me while I was getting it done when do I go back to the docter again. Could that mean somethings wrong? I called my neurologist office and asked the receptionist if he had read the results and she said no. When should he call me back? Please help!!!!! But also I wasn't supposed to get a mri with dye but the mri tech thought I need it!

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