Sunday, August 7, 2011

Slipped on ice and blacked out 5 month's ago....?

I slipped and fell on ice and blacked out 5 month's ago. I hopped on an airplane the very next morning and noticed at the airport that my nose was crooked. The nose straightened itself out but I have been having alot of very different symptoms off and on since then. I get major headaches (hurts to touch forehead). I fell on my right side but heard cracking from head to my shoulders on my left side. I have since had the following symptoms: Kaleidoscope vision, major headaches in forehead, dizziness where I almost feel like fainting, and most recently, my eye sockets hurt when I try to go to sleep at night and I also get numbness and tingly radiating from my forehead to backside of my head. I went to the ER a week ago because I had numbness and tingling from forehead down left-side of my nose and also around the backside of my head. The MRI showed no bleeding out of the brain and structurally nothing. The ER physician referred me to a neurologist (who cannot get me in for 2 1/2 weeks). They prescribed Vicoden and that helps and I started out only taking 1 per day (prescription says 1-2 every 6 hrs.) - but now I am requiring 2 to get through the day. I am hoping I make it for 2 more weeks! I have been calling several neurologist's but told that unless my MRI showed bleeding-out of my brain- then I cannot be seen any sooner. My symptoms are only getting worse and I am not wanting to faint/blackout or develop any drooping face or neurological damage. Any advice?

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