Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Opinions please please please?

SO I have a sister who is known for lying and stealing and is nothing like the rest of my family. 2 weeks ago the day before my graduation she has to be taken to the er. Sheis having pain in her left eye. They cant find anything wrong. 2 more trips to the er and she gets a maybe its scratches on your eye or maybe its eyeritis it could even be a swollen retina. So they send her to the eye doc. The doc says you have totally healthy eyes and he says it might be neurological. So 2 mri's and a brain doc later he says oh her brain is fine lets get a 2nd opinion with a dif eye doc. So my dilema is this is a girl who has not even attempted to remove the eye pads and ace bandage from her eyes that no doctor even recomended she be using. The doctors just keep prescribing her vicodin which she is taking alot of. For a pain nobody can seem to locate. Oh I guess now she is in my living room trying to see if she can see by taking the eye pads off. My problem is my mom is so stressed out over this and me and my sister have no idea how to tell her that her daughter is full of ****.

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